Are you ready for Simpler Recycling legislation?
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Social Value

Our pledge is to work towards achieving ISO 26000 Social Responsibility accreditation, which includes: 

  • Developing and sharing learning packs for Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils on the importance of recycling and materials management. 
  • Offering all employees one day per year to work on an approved volunteering project. 

For our Social and Community pledges as part of The WARD Way sustainability road map to 2030 we are focusing on several themes:

Out of work returners

We have a great track record of offering flexible working patterns to encourage highly skilled and or experienced individuals who have been out of work for two years or more back into the work force. Ward will continue to build on this. 

Supporting Local charities

Ward supports numerous local charities including hospices, schools, sports clubs, foodbanks and more. We will continue to do this and will report on this annually as part of our Sustainability and Social Value reporting. 

Encouraging the next generation

  • We have been supporting a mentoring and apprenticeship scheme with Derby University for several years and will continue to do so
  • We will continue to support local schools with information about recycling and attend events to educate future generations on the benefits of a circular economy
  • We actively encourage our members of staff to act as STEM ambassadors to share their knowledge and skills with future generations.

Ward Ambassadors – Fairness, Inclusion and Respect (FIR)

FIR Ambassadors will be appointed and trained at each site as a single point of contact for information for employees and to champion initiatives.





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