Are you ready for Simpler Recycling legislation?

Secure and confidential destruction

shredded glasses and contact lenses

Ward offers secure product destruction and confidential destruction for standard and difficult waste streams and products, of all sizes, including:

  • Out of specification and out of date chemicals and products
  • Damaged products and goods (Including fire/smoke/water damage)
  • Recalled/Faulty/Obsolete/Excess Stock
  • Weapons and armour
  • Household products (Both Hazardous/Non-hazardous)
  • Illegal/Counterfeit goods
  • Confidential documents

Compliance Guaranteed

Ward provides a variety of secure product and confidential destruction operations at our ISO-accredited facilities, guaranteeing our customers a confidential, compliant, safe and secure way of destroying a wide variety of products, goods and documentation.

We offer a variety of secure shredding operations over two sites, from confidential paper shredding and mid-size product shredding, through to large industrial shredders capable of destroying and recycling vehicles. Our commitment to recycle and reuse wherever possible means that the metal and recyclable materials are recovered from the destruction process. This allows for a receipt of an R-Code for your waste and reduces waste ending up at landfill with the remaining waste going via refuse derived fuel (RFD) instead.

Flexible and reliable service

Our flexible, non-contract service means you can deliver confidential waste to our site or we can collect and transport it securely for you. Handling your waste products through our destruction service can save valuable budget by reducing your secure storage costs and reducing any landfill costs.

Once the paperwork has been completed and undergone checks the waste is held in our secure facility on-site under 24-hour CCTV monitoring before final destruction. Wherever possible, we will also reclaim the packaging material from the waste, including steel, aluminium, glass, cardboard, wood and plastic.

Typically Ward service a variety of sectors including local authorities, council and government agencies, household product and cosmetics manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, chemical manufacturers and logistics/retail companies.

What sort of products can be securely destroyed?

Examples of products that have been received for confidential destruction include secure documents, promotional booklets, large display units, cosmetics such as lipstick, surgical instruments, out of date medical products, vitamins, glasses, contact lenses and children’s toys.

shredded lipstick


Contact us for a secure destruction quote!

Call our Hazardous Waste team:

0345 337 5050

Email our Hazardous Waste team:

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