Asbestos removal for Bagnall UK/Royal Liverpool Hospital
Project Summary:
Whilst enabling works were taking place at the Royal Liverpool Hospital asbestos was located within the subsoils as well as small fragments on the surface of the ground. The site construction was already behind schedule so the discovery of this meant that there were going to be further delays and these would have to be kept to an absolute minimum.
Carillion had testing done across the whole of the site with over 90% of samples coming back showing asbestos contamination, at the construction levels required equated to approximately 50,000 tonnes of material requiring removal and disposing of in licensed facilities. There were a number of further issues with the removal of materials, vehicle movements at both the sending and receiving sites, collection allocation to ensure loading through the day and credit control as the project would hit significant values in a short space of time.
A strategy, to minimise potential delays, was adopted to split the tonnage primarily between two waste receiving sites with a third site established as a reserve. A dedicated Ward Recycling transport coordinator was tasked with the job of arranging collections with multiple hauliers to try ensure a level amount of haulage per hour of availability. Working with the site team on peak collection up to 1,350 tonnes of material (approx 75no vehicle movements) per day was collected using a combination of 8 wheel vehicles and also articulated vehicles which aided in keeping the number of vehicle movements to a minimum.
Regular contact was maintained by Ward Recycling representatives David Ward (Project Lead) and Karen Haskins (Transport Co-ordinator) with the Client and their management team. This was essential to ensure the removal was carried out effectively and also when changes on site were taking place, vehicles could be rerouted to minimise delayed and aborted journeys.
The commercial strength of Ward Recycling ensured that significant credit limits were able to be facilitated with the disposal routes. However, with such high volumes in a short time frame even these were hit mid-way into the project. Ward Recycling were able to manage these without impact to the Contract payment frequencies.