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Our Heritage

Ward further enhanced our metal processing capabilities with a new site in Cardiff for sustainably managing ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Ward launched a Trade Waste service, adapting to the diverse needs of our customers.


Ward extended its national presence by acquiring Clancey’s in York, forming a strong operational network in the North. In-house asbestos removal service was also launched in December 2022.


In an award-winning year, Ward achieved a Queen’s Award for Excellence in International
Trade and were named Family Business of the Year at the Business Masters Awards.

Queen Award group photo

In 2021, Ward achieved Gold Fleet Operator Recognition Status (FORS) accreditation, won double at the Derbyshire Live Business Awards, opened new metal processing sites, invested over £2 million in green fleet upgrades and launched the Ward Way Sustinabiltiy Road Map.


Despite the COVID 19 Pandemic, Ward secured Silver FORS accreditation, won double awards at the Business Masters, obtained the ISO 9001:2015 quality standard at Immingham Docks, launched a new small batch asbestos service and were crowned Metal Recycler of the Year at industry excellence awards.

ward chesterfield

Ward triumphed as winners of the Midlands & Central Family Business of the Year 2019, hot on the heels of double award wins at Midlands Family Business of the Year and Business Masters Awards and the Derby Telegraph Business Awards 2019.


Ward signed a five year lease on its latest Ilkeston site. The 10,000 sq ft warehouse became home to WARDRobe, a new textile reuse and recycling service.


Ward opened an additional Ilkeston site at a former leisure centre, following a £1million refurbishment. We invested in a complete renovation of the site to create new offices and communal areas for more than 60 staff and space for future expansion.


Ward opened a dedicated deep sea export dock facility at Associated British Ports (ABP) in Immingham to further expand our metal export business.


Ward invested circa £1 million in environmental improvements at its recycling facility in Chesterfield for employees and the local community.


Ward Special Projects (SP) took on offices in Spinningfields, Manchester as well as Cavendish Square, London to further support its growing national client base.


New shearing equipment installed at the Chesterfield site significantly increasing the companies metal processing capabilities.


1000T Mobile Lefort shear delivered offering shearing services throughout the UK.


A new site in Chesterfield was purchased to enhance the services offered in Derbyshire.


Ward Recycling’s first International demolition partnership project successfully completed.


Ward achieved Investors in People (IIP).


Ward were ranked 5th in Sunday Times 2012 International Track 200.


A state of the art ASR (Automobile Shredder Residue) plant opened at lkeston.


An additional Ilkeston site was purchased to further process all residues for the recycling facilities.


ISO14001 (Environmental) quality accreditation awarded to Ward Recycling.


Ward Recycling first international export of metals from the UK.


Ward Recycling elected as associate members of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors.


Redox MRF waste recycling plant opens at Ilkeston and additional Mobile Lefort Shear acquired.


Ward invested in the upgrading the processing facilities for End of Life Vehicles, installing dedicated ELV Workshops at both Ilkeston and Woodville sites.


Ward Recycling purchases a £5m, 10 acre site at Ilkeston in Derbyshire – the start of a major programme of investment in this new facility.


Ward Recycling purchase the first compaction vehicle offering a new cost efficient wheelie bin services to the Derbyshire areas.


New shearing equipment installed at the Swadlincote site significantly increasing the companies metal processing capabilities.


Donald Ward Limited rebranded as Ward Recycling.


Major investment in Health and Safety Welfare begins. The beginning of a huge investment that is ongoing in people, provisions, controls and facilities.


In 1990 and during the following years the Directors realised the potential to develop and grow the business by responding to the waste management needs of modern business and industry.


BS5750 (Now ISO9001) quality accreditation awarded to Ward.


Ward invested in a Henschel SV550E 500 tonne Scrap Shear, installed at Woodville – our first major investment in large scale processing equipment.


Company incorporated as Donald Ward Limited.


Company founded by Donald Ward at Woodville near Burton-on-Trent in Staffordshire, specialising in the recycling of ferrous metals.


In 1928 the Ward brothers of Eccles dismantled the ‘Gigantic Wheel of Blackpool’ and struck a coin from the metal comprising parts of the wheel.

Big wheel Blackpool

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